Please click on the instrument name to expand or collapse the list of compositions, you can click on the individual image thumbnails to view them at a larger size, and after scrolling down the page you can use the arrow at the bottom right of the screen to jump back to the top of the page.

See also strings/ trumpet/ horn/ brass quintet for organ accompaniment.

1. ANGELS: Aenigmata Divina [John Donne]
with optional voice(s) in 1st Movement | Duration 9’ 50”

A Celebration of the ministrations of angels.

This piece is the first part of a ‘JOHN DONNE TRYPTICH’:

Part 2 – ‘At the round earth’s imagined corners’ for Solo Trumpet
Part 3 – ‘One short sleep past, we wake eternally…’ for Trumpet, Flugel and Organ

2. Serious Piece?
Duration 10’ 00”

Is this really a serious piece?

Music Clip: Whole Piece
3. UFFCULME: A Village Suite
Duration 26’ 00”

Musical pictures of the attractions of a quaint Devonian village in 8 Movements.
For performance purposes a selection from the 8 may be made.

4. Kaladan Reflected
Duration 9’ 20”

A veteran of WW2 remembers the beauty of Burma.

5. BIS! A Suite of Encores
2 organists on one organ + wood block | Duration 10’ 10”

4 Movements which may be played individually or as a suite!

6. Wedding March
A wedding march is a wedding march.
1. Signor Glissando

A tribute to Domenico Scarlatti who ‘invented’ the keyboard glissando [though this of course is disputed by some musicologists].

Music Clip: Whole Piece
1. PERCY – a cameo of the idiosyncrasies of the celebrated composer and pianist Percy Grainger
with obbligato spoken part which may be performed (preferably) by the pianist, or actor | Duration 9’ 00”
Music Clip: Whole Piece
2. Chiaroscuro
Duration 7’ 10”

I once described this piece as Schoenberg at the Wailing Wall.

3. Des dès de Di – a suite of miniatures
Duration 14’ 00”

The Suite may be played as a whole or as separate ‘alternative’ encores.